17 Dec 5 Home Security Strategies Everyone Should Use
If you’re looking for ways to protect your home from thieves and break-ins, consider these 7 home security tips. You’ll find suggestions for locking your doors and windows, using Sirens and Infrared (IR) security sensors, and getting neighbors to help with key stashing. Plus, you’ll learn why it’s a good idea to change the locks when you move into a new home.
Sirens are loud alarms that are used to warn people in the event of a tornado, a wildfire, or a life-threatening emergency. When you hear a siren, you need to take cover indoors immediately, not open your windows. You can listen to local radio and TV stations, and watch the weather report to find out when a warning is in effect.
If you live in a community that does not have a siren, you can set one yourself for an inexpensive fee. There are also self-monitored home alarm systems that allow you to sound an alarm using a mobile app.
Outdoor warning sirens are tested monthly. Each test includes two back-to-back 60 second audible tests. This ensures that the sirens work and that the weather system is not failing.
The test will be announced in advance by the news media and on the county’s social media feeds. Depending on the weather, the tests may be postponed.
During a drill, NOAA Weather Radios will also alert citizens. You can also sign up to receive e-mail notifications about the siren test.
Pennington County has 34 sirens installed. They are located in Box Elder, and are used to warn citizens of all-hazard emergencies. They are tested every month at noon. If you are outside during a siren test, you should listen to the NOAA radio and check your local news for updates.
Locking windows and doors
When it comes to protecting your home, locking windows and doors is one of the most important things you can do. It’s also a great deterrent and a simple habit to form. In fact, there are many other security measures you should consider.
When it comes to locks, you’ll want to upgrade to a higher quality one. Using a keyed lock can keep burglars out. In addition, make sure to install a deadbolt on each exterior door. You might be surprised at how much do electric gates cost but if you have the budget for them then they’re also a great purchase. This will protect your house from intruders and prevent the doors from opening unexpectedly.
A security system that uses window entry sensors can add another layer of protection to your windows. It can sound an alarm when the window opens. The most effective ones will use a magnetic contact sensor that stays close together when the window is closed.
Another good option is a double-sided bolt with captive thumbturns. This is a great option for larger windows. It’s a safer solution that will keep intruders out and prevent you from stomping on the glass.
The most important thing to remember when it comes to locks is to keep them in good working order. That’s not to say they have to be perfect, but you’ll want to make sure that the door isn’t easy to break into.
For example, there are many cheap window locks out there that are made out of cheap aluminum and plated copper. The purpose of these devices isn’t to actually secure your windows, but to keep them closed.
Prevent packages from being delivered to your home while you’re away
Package theft is a serious problem. Luckily, there are many ways to prevent it. One of the easiest is by getting your packages delivered to a trusted location.
The best way to do this is to make sure your delivery is done at a time when you are home and not away from your house. For example, if you are at work during the day, ask your employer if they will be able to receive your packages.
Another option is to have your packages delivered to a carrier such as FedEx or UPS. These companies also have other services to help you keep track of your packages, such as delivery alerts. This can give you the chance to reschedule your delivery, or even hold it at the distribution center.
The biggest benefit of having your packages delivered to a location that is safe is that you’ll have less worry about package theft. In fact, in 2017, nearly one third of all Americans were victims of package theft.
The best way to prevent a package from being stolen from your doorstep is to work with your neighbors. For example, you can sign up for a neighborhood social media group to watch out for each other. If you can’t be home for the delivery, ask a neighbor to watch over your package. You can also use a motion-censored light to prevent someone from sneaking out of your house at night.
Infrared (IR) security sensors
Infrared (IR) security sensors are a great addition to a home security system. Typically, these sensors are installed near doors, windows and other areas where you need a reliable way to detect movement. They can also be used to trigger a wider home security system and alert a homeowner of the presence of a potential intruder.
One of the most important benefits of infrared security sensors is that they can work in the dark. This allows them to provide security during the day as well as at night.
Infrared technology can be very safe and inexpensive. It works by detecting heat from hot objects. It can also be used to detect motion. Combined with a surveillance camera, the sensors can detect movement even in the most inaccessible places.
There are two types of infrared sensors: active and passive. Each type can provide different levels of detection. These sensors can be installed in both the inside and outside of a house.
Passive infrared sensors are more sensitive than those used by TV remotes. This technology can detect up to 30 feet of motion. They are best suited for use around the main floor windows and in basement window wells.
Activated infrared sensors use a light emitting diode or LED to send out infrared radiation. When a person walks by, the LED reflects back to the sensor and then is detected by a receiver. The infrared radiation is then converted into electric current. The signal is sent to an embedded computer. This computer then triggers an alarm.
Change the locks when you move into a new home
Changing the locks of your new home is a must if you are to ensure your family’s safety and security. If you are not a DIYer, you can hire a locksmith to do the job for you. This way, you can be sure that the job is done correctly and that your property is safe and secure.
Fortunately, changing the locks of your new home is not a complicated or time consuming task. It takes less than a day to complete. There are a number of different locksets to choose from, ranging in price from $40 to $400.
Not only does changing the locks of your new home make you feel more confident, but it also prevents burglars from gaining entry. A survey of UK homeowners found that more than half did not bother to change the locks of their homes, even though they were aware of the need for doing so.
Luckily, there are a number of ways to do it right. The easiest of these involves getting a locksmith to change the locks for you. A professional can save you a lot of time and hassle. This can also help you avoid paying a lot of money for unnecessary repairs.
There are many things to consider when you are moving into a new home. It’s a good idea to check the sale contract of your new property. It may be helpful to consult a representative of your homeowners association for more information.