07 Dec Cyber Security And Business – How They Are Closely Associated
In the current climate of risk-driven business environments, security, and cyber protection are essential to the performance of businesses. Organizations should integrate their business continuity and cybersecurity teams to ensure aligned IT investments, operational and security systems, and response and recovery procedures.
The implementation process for implementing business continuity planning must begin from the inception of the information technology system, through implementation, monitoring, training, and maintenance, as well as the integration and implementation of security measures.
Businesses should have a clearly defined Information Security Policy that provides direction and policies about the organization’s information security practices, programs, and infrastructure. This policy must include specific information about the scope of the policy, the types of attacks that are acceptable, what is unacceptable, and the expected results of those attacks occur.
The policy must also include the policies governing the authorization of employees with access to protected areas. For instance, should employees who work remotely be granted access to networks or information systems? What procedures are required for the authorized employees to gain access to systems when needed?
The policy must also provide procedures for conducting a survey or investigation of an identified threat. The procedures should be designed to address concerns from a variety of sources: internal, external, and third-party sources. The policy must also provide procedures for responding to an identified threat.
The procedures must be specifically tailored to address the issues that will be faced by different types of businesses. Also, the procedure for reporting and responding to an identified threat should be detailed and specific to each organization’s unique security requirements.
After developing specific business procedures, policies, and procedures for reporting and responding to threats, the next step in the process is to evaluate the results of these actions. When conducting assessments, it is important to gather information and evidence to help determine whether an organization has a security threat.
These assessments should include but are not limited to physical and network assessments. These assessments should also include information on the level of risk associated with each business system, information on the types of attacks that have occurred, and information on the methodologies and personnel used to conduct attacks.
Risk Mitigation is another step in the process. Risk Mitigation measures should take the form of defensive or preventive steps that can reduce the chance of an attack or compromise occurring in the future. There are two broad categories of defensive measures, those that attempt to mitigate an attack before it occurs and those that prevent an attack after it has taken place.
Defensive measures typically involve improving security by making modifications to existing systems and then modifying those systems. Examples of defensive measures include installing firewalls, controlling software, updating security programs, and configuring and securing information systems. More specifically, this cyber security solutions group has helped businesses strengthen their cyber security methods.
The primary goal of defensive measures is to protect against the likelihood that an attack will occur, which means there is a reduced likelihood of an attack occurring. In addition to these measures, defensive measures may include implementing controls for data security such as encryption, authentication, and integrity.
The goal of preventive measures is to reduce the chance of an attack from ever taking place. One of the first steps in preventing an attack is to detect and stop the attack before it takes place, which requires that all possible methods of detection and prevention are explored.
Preventive measures typically involve identifying the sources of an attack before they occur, identifying, and mitigating risks to data and systems, stopping the attack before it happens, preventing or mitigating any data loss, reducing or stopping any potential data loss, and determining the source of the attack.
Finally, proactive measures may include determining the cause of the attack and determining whether or method of attack was intentional or not. Regardless of the type of threat that exists, the solution will include both prevention and mitigation.
By effectively protecting the network, the physical systems, the networks, and the information that resides on the network, an organization can significantly reduce the risks that are present and can even eliminate the threats completely. Cyber-security and business intelligence will be a key ingredient in a successful information security strategy for any organization.